pub trait HierarchicalBuildFrom<T> {
    // Required method
    fn build_from(&mut self, path: &mut NameBuf, source: &T);

    // Provided methods
    fn build_from_top(&mut self, source: &T) { ... }
    fn build_from_top_prefix(
        &mut self,
        prefix: impl Into<NameFragment>,
        source: &T
    ) { ... }
Expand description

Construct an instance of Self hierarchically given a name buffer and a source of type T.

Required Methods§


fn build_from(&mut self, path: &mut NameBuf, source: &T)

Build self from the given root path and source.

Provided Methods§


fn build_from_top(&mut self, source: &T)

Build self from the given source, starting with an empty top-level name buffer.


fn build_from_top_prefix(&mut self, prefix: impl Into<NameFragment>, source: &T)

Build self from the given source, starting with a top-level name buffer containing the given name fragment.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
