pub trait FromSaved<S: Simulator, A: Analysis> {
    type SavedKey;

    // Required method
    fn from_saved(
        output: &<A as Analysis>::Output,
        key: &Self::SavedKey
    ) -> Self;
Expand description

A simulation output that can be recovered from the output of a particular analysis.

Required Associated Types§


type SavedKey

The key type used to address the saved output within the analysis.

This key is assigned in Save::save.

Required Methods§


fn from_saved(output: &<A as Analysis>::Output, key: &Self::SavedKey) -> Self

Recovers the desired simulation output from the analysis’s output.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<S, A1, A2, O1, O2> FromSaved<S, (A1, A2)> for (O1, O2)
where S: Simulator, A1: Analysis, A2: Analysis, O1: FromSaved<S, A1>, O2: FromSaved<S, A2>, (A1, A2): Analysis<Output = (A1::Output, A2::Output)>,


type SavedKey = (<O1 as FromSaved<S, A1>>::SavedKey, <O2 as FromSaved<S, A2>>::SavedKey)


fn from_saved( output: &<(A1, A2) as Analysis>::Output, key: &Self::SavedKey ) -> Self


impl<S: Simulator, A: Analysis, T: FromSaved<S, A>> FromSaved<S, A> for Vec<T>


type SavedKey = Vec<<T as FromSaved<S, A>>::SavedKey>


fn from_saved(output: &<A as Analysis>::Output, key: &Self::SavedKey) -> Self
