Trait substrate::layout::Layout

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pub trait Layout<PDK: Pdk>: ExportsLayoutData {
    // Required method
    fn layout(
        io: &mut Builder<<Self as Block>::Io>,
        cell: &mut CellBuilder<PDK>
    ) -> Result<Self::LayoutData>;
Expand description

A block that can be laid out in process design kit PDK.

Required Methods§


fn layout( &self, io: &mut Builder<<Self as Block>::Io>, cell: &mut CellBuilder<PDK> ) -> Result<Self::LayoutData>

Generates the block’s layout.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<PDK: Pdk, T: Layout<PDK>> Layout<PDK> for Arc<T>


fn layout( &self, io: &mut Builder<<Self as Block>::Io>, cell: &mut CellBuilder<PDK> ) -> Result<Self::LayoutData>
