Module substrate::schematic

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Substrate’s schematic generator framework.


  • Substrate to SCIR conversion.
  • Netlist export.
  • Schematic primitives.
  • Traits and types for specifying formats for storing Substrate schematics.


  • A schematic cell.
  • A builder for creating a schematic cell.
  • A handle to a schematic cell that is being generated.
  • A context-wide unique identifier for a cell.
  • An instance of a schematic cell.
  • A cell-wide unique identifier for an instance.
  • A path to an instance from a top level cell.
  • A nested view of an Instance.
  • A binding to a schema primitive that can be used to define a Substrate schematic.
  • A cell handle associated with a schema S.
  • A wrapper around schematic-specific context data.
  • A binding to a cell within a SCIR library that can be used to define a Substrate schematic.
  • A cell builder for instantiating blocks from schema S2 in schema S.


Type Aliases§

  • The associated nested view of an object.

Derive Macros§

  • Derives substrate::schematic::NestedData for a struct.