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//! Netlist export.
use crate::schema::Schema;
use crate::{Library, NetlistLibConversion};
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
/// A netlister that tracks how cells and instances are translated between SCIR and the output netlist format.
pub trait ConvertibleNetlister<S: Schema + ?Sized> {
/// The error type returned when writing out a SCIR netlist.
type Error: From<std::io::Error>;
/// The netlist options type.
/// Many netlisters accept options, allowing the user to configure things like
/// netlist indentation, naming conventions, etc. This is the type of the object
/// that stores those options.
type Options<'a>;
/// Writes a netlist of a SCIR library to the provided output stream.
fn write_scir_netlist<W: Write>(
lib: &Library<S>,
out: &mut W,
opts: Self::Options<'_>,
) -> Result<NetlistLibConversion, Self::Error>;
/// Writes a netlist of a SCIR library to a file at the given path.
/// The file and any parent directories will be created if necessary.
fn write_scir_netlist_to_file(
lib: &Library<S>,
path: impl AsRef<Path>,
opts: Self::Options<'_>,
) -> Result<NetlistLibConversion, Self::Error> {
let path = path.as_ref();
if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
let mut f = std::fs::File::create(path)?;
let conv = self.write_scir_netlist(lib, &mut f, opts)?;